Strategic Non-Profit Business Plan


HOF: Helping Our Families: Heal, Overcome, Flourish


HOF: Helping Our Families, working in tandem with The Boys and Girls Club of America, fosters a safe, healthy environment where children are supervised by caring adults who promote opportunities for children to “play, learn, grow and prosper together toward healthier futures.”1 Founding a Boys and Girls Club of Hardy County provides a location for after school programs consisting of physical activities, character building deeds, nutrition counseling with healthy snacks, homework assistance and socialization with friends in a Christian atmosphere. Parents can feel safe knowing while they are at work or traveling between job and home, the overarching principle of their children’s program is Psalms 127:3: “Children are a gift from God; they are his reward.” We foster an environment of healing from unhealthy habits and overcoming obstacles so families will flourish and children will thrive.

Core Organizational Values

 Humble: We devote ourselves in humble servant hood, always following the example of Jesus, loving others and valuing children. Remembering our own worthlessness before the Lord, we rely on him to lift us up and prepare us for the challenges of every interaction each day. Serving each other eliminates situations of prejudice and bullying recognizing we are all children of the King.

James 4:10, Job 22:29, Psalm 138:6; Mark 12:31; Ephesians 4:2; Ephesians 5:1-2; Ephesians 6:4; Matthew 18:10; Matthew 19:14.

Obedient: We abide in the Word of God; following the teachings of Jesus and obeying his commandments. Our activities, communications, interfaces, principles, and all aspects of life will reflect knowledge and obedience of the Scriptures. God keeps his promises to those who obey his word. By demonstrating obedience to God and his commandments we will teach the children the value of obedience to God and obedience to those in positions of respect.

1 Corinthians 4:2; 2 Corinthians 8:21; Deuteronomy 13:8; Psalm 119:101, Titus 3:1; Exodus 20.

Faithful: We depend on Jesus to sustain us and recognize he will see us through each day’s challenges when we are faithful to him. Faithfulness to God, regardless of the circumstances will guide us in all we say and do. Through our faithful devotion others will see the light of Jesus. Children will learn to be faithful to the teachings of Jesus and to trust him for all of their needs. Hebrews 11; 1Samuel 2:35; 1Kings 2:4; Psalm 25:3; Jude 1:20; Hebrews 6; 1Corinthians16:16; Philippians 4:13.


  1. Increase constructive opportunities for children (ages 6-14) residing in Hardy County
  2. Improve educational outcomes of children (ages 6-14) attending Hardy County Public Schools
  3. Enhance circumstances for families residing in Hardy County

 Performance Objectives

I. Objectives for Goal #1: Increase constructive opportunities for children residing in Hardy County.

  • Within sixty days, HOF, will have presented to various local community organizations previously identified, stakeholders, Hardy County Commission, Board of Education, representatives of Boys and Girls Club of America and supportive community members to communicate the finalized plans for the opening of the Boys and Girls Club of Hardy County via a series of scheduled and conducted meetings.
  • Within six months, The Boys and Girls Club of Hardy County will open its doors for all children between the ages of 6 and 18, with a full set of after school programs specifically geared to meeting the needs of children in Hardy County, demonstrated by a full schedule of activities.
  • Within one year, 75% of all children in Hardy County between the ages of 6 and 14 will have participated in at least one program offered by the Boys and Girls Club of Hardy County, measured by a questionnaire completed by all children in the public schools.

    Objectives for Goal #2: Improve educational outcomes of children attending Hardy County Public Schools.

  • Within ninety days, HOF, will solidify the tutoring program for all school aged children offered by the Boys and Girls Club of Hardy County with the Board of Education of Hardy County by agreement being confirmed with signatures from all parties.
  • Within one year, Hardy County will recognize a 5% improvement in the high school graduation rate, increasing from 83%2 to 88%, as a result of attendance in the tutoring program for members of the Boys and Girls Club of Hardy County.
  • After four years from the opening of the Boys and Girls Club of Hardy County, 10% more of Hardy County high school graduates will be seeking higher education either at a community college, a technical college, a trade school or a four year institution as indicated from responses at their graduation required exit interview.

III. Objectives for Goal # 3: Enhance circumstances for families residing in Hardy County.

  • Within one year from the opening of The Boys and Girls Club of Hardy County, 50% of parents through responding to a self-reporting survey will communicate a greater sense of safety for their children after school before parents arrive home from work.
  • Within 18 months from the opening of The Boys and Girls Club of Hardy County, participation in programming will increase by 25%.
  • Within 2 years from opening, The Boys and Girls Club of Hardy County will introduce two new programs for families geared toward improved communication or quality family time activities.

Section Two

The Organization

Recognizing children in Hardy County, West Virginia appeared to have limited opportunities for socialization and many spent hours home alone after school; Sherri Hof decided to explore opportunities toward making a difference in the lives of these children. This decision led to the birth of, HOF: Helping Our Families: Heal, Overcome, Flourish.

Studies have suggested that children who are left home alone for hours after school are at a greater risk to be truant from school, receive poor grades, engage in more risk taking behaviors such as substance abuse and experience more violent crime by non-family members.3 Supervision during these critical after school hours is believed to be critical for the health and welfare of school-aged children.3 After school programming could eliminate many of the deficiencies experienced by children age 6-14 in Hardy County.

Adverse childhood experiences have also been determined to have a public health impact as noted in higher frequencies of antisocial behavior, depressive symptoms and drug use during the transition time between teen and young adult.4 Minimizing the opportunity for adverse childhood experiences to occur will have an impact on the future stability of families. Following the Biblical principle of 1 Corinthians 7:14 where it is stated that a family united in God’s plan leads to the salvation of the children; this organization intends to help families by teaching healing, demonstrating overcoming and encouraging flourishing, starting with the children and eventually encompassing every family member in Christian love. The first step begins with the creation of The Boys and Girls Club of Hardy County where children can play, learn, grow and prosper through participation in programs conducted in a safe, secure environment supervised by Christians.

                                                        Advisor Roles

Regional Director of The Boys and Girls Clubs of America

Director of Hardy County Board of Education


                                                                     Board of Directors

Principal-East Hardy High School

Principal-Moorefield High School

Principal East Hardy Middle School

Principal-Moorefield High School

Principal-East Hardy Elementary School

Principal-Moorefield Elementary School


Pastor Faith Mission Church

Boy Scouts of America Troop Leader


Hardy County Commissioner

Sherri Hof- Founder of HOF: Helping Our Families: Heal, Overcome, Flourish

Through the collective synthesis of expertise of each board member, staff and advisor, programs will be developed with the intended result of improving the outcomes for the children in Hardy County. Annual evaluations will be conducted to evaluate the progress, success, shortcomings and additional unmet needs for the development of subsequent programs. Always focusing on God and being led by Christian ethics, HOF, will research supplementary organizations, programming and seek additional opportunities to partner toward expanding prospects for improvements to the organization’s partners.


  1. HOF: Helping Our Families. Hof S. Accessed October 26, 2015.
  2. County Health Ratings and Roadmaps. Health Rankings. Accessed October 27, 2015.
  3. Aizer A. Home alone: supervision after school and child behavior. Journal of Public Economics 88: (2004) 1835– 1848.
  4. Schilling EA, Aseltine RH Jr, Gore S. Adverse childhood experiences and mental health in young adults: a longitudinal survey. BMC Public Health: 2007, 7:30 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-7-30.